Sunday, May 23, 2010

"The Girl"

Please meet "henry" (yep thought she was a boy turns out shes a girl) but i loved the name i chose for her...shes the sweetest pet ever..although all our pets are sweet...Every morn shes up walking around eatin grass(her main diet) and fruit of which i give to her...shes about 80 pounds...and seriously turns her head when i call her name..she walks over to me and we chat....i tell her how much i love her and how she has brought so much "joy" to me..even though she doesnt do much..shes magnificent in every way...She will out live my childrens, childrens, childrens, childrens and i hope that shes always kept in the family and loved on till she finally goes...that she lives long and enjoys all that yummy watermellon she munches on....she knows i love her..and i know she loves me...

Cheers .........Sarah

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