Sunday, May 23, 2010

"The Girl"

Please meet "henry" (yep thought she was a boy turns out shes a girl) but i loved the name i chose for her...shes the sweetest pet ever..although all our pets are sweet...Every morn shes up walking around eatin grass(her main diet) and fruit of which i give to her...shes about 80 pounds...and seriously turns her head when i call her name..she walks over to me and we chat....i tell her how much i love her and how she has brought so much "joy" to me..even though she doesnt do much..shes magnificent in every way...She will out live my childrens, childrens, childrens, childrens and i hope that shes always kept in the family and loved on till she finally goes...that she lives long and enjoys all that yummy watermellon she munches on....she knows i love her..and i know she loves me...

Cheers .........Sarah

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Night Owl

Ever since i got to be this "stay at home mom" ive become a night owl.. its so nice once the kids have gone to bed to be able to grab my thoughts and run with them..things that are on my TODO list

  • look for paint colors
  • buy flower pots
  • new sectional
  • grass in front yard
  • snail vines lining pool area
  • read my bible
  • pray
  • get preg ( gods teaching me patience)
  • save money~somehow i wish i was a millionaire lol
  • calm down on the OCD
  • stop sweating the small stuff
  • hang out with friends more

i know i have more in my head its just late and i cant think right now....

Things i do late at night:

  • serf the internet..ebay, amazon,fb,gmail
  • look thru pictures of me and chad...i miss him even when hes asleep
  • look at baby names..i have no first name for a baby girl
  • email back friends
  • write chad love notes
  • stock people on fb
  • play on my ipod touch

ya..i live a boring life wouldnt you say..all this time onmy hands haha and for some reason i still wake up at 630 every morn...what happened to if! those days are long gone....thats okay i love waking up to fighting kids..and good morn mom! bradleys a lil instigator like his mama!

gnight ya'll

D-backs v Brewers......

love Dem

Hunter and Bradley

is that my man with the red purse???

Such a fun Mom's the park!

  1. Woke up to cream-of-wheat made for me by my hub(so sweet babe)
  2. did nothing till about 9am (shows you how early i get up ha!)
  3. got ready to go with Rams and lesli to d-backs game
  4. went to game
  5. took funnypictures
  6. left in botton of 7th inning..we got bored
  7. went to in-laws
  8. ate dinner
  9. kissed and snuggled
  10. went to bed

All in all great day..i love the days when its the 4 of us....all day!!